The new Conservative Opposition at the Town Hall have announced their Shadow Cabinet that will provide a “strong and credible alternative” to the new Labour Cabinet at Crawley Borough Council.
Conservative Group Leader Councillor Duncan Crow said, “We have a wealth of experience and expertise in our group and all of us will be working together for the good of the town. Our Shadow Cabinet will lead on providing the robust challenge that is needed to scrutinise Labour policy and will offer credible alternatives when we feel Labour have got it wrong. We also intend to work constructively with Labour to ensure we have the best policies coming forward in the interests of Crawley.”
The Council’s Shadow Cabinet consists of seven Councillors from the Conservative opposition group.
Leader - Cllr Duncan Crow.
Deputy Leader and Housing - Cllr Richard Burrett.
Customer and Corporate Services - Cllr Nigel Boxall.
Community Engagement - Cllr Duncan Peck.
Planning and Economic Development - Cllr Bob Lanzer.
Leisure and Cultural Services - Cllr Beryl MeCrow.
Environmental Services - Cllr Ken Trussell.
Cllr Crow added “The Conservative Shadow Cabinet is a very experienced team that will provide a strong and credible alternative to Labour’s Cabinet at the Town Hall. This is important in order for us to have a healthy and vibrant local democracy in Crawley.”