Henry Smith MP has welcomed new figures showing that the Government’s Start-Up Loans scheme has helped 66 people in Crawley set up their own business.
Henry said;
“I am pleased that 66 people in our town have received funding to set up their own business through this scheme. Across the South East, more than 2,000 have received similar support.”
“These figures demonstrate further how this Government is on the side of up-and-coming businesses and hard-working people.”
The Start-Up Loans scheme provides loans and mentoring support to people who want to start their own businesses. Across the country, 25,000 Start-Up Loans have now been awarded, worth a total of nearly £130 million and generating more than 32,000 new jobs.
The Government is committed to extending this scheme, and triple the number of Start-Up Loans to 75,000 by 2020.
Henry continued;
“Additionally in Crawley, 40 people have also formed a business with help from the Government’s New Enterprise Allowance, and local Crawley firms have told me how the £2,000 Employment Allowance is helping them on a day-to-day basis.
“Through schemes such as these, we now have 1.75 million more people in work across our country.”
“Youth unemployment in our town is down by 80% since the last election, and is at a record low – but there is still more to do. I met with the Prime Minister earlier today to discuss these matters, and we both have the commitment, and record of delivery necessary, to ensure Crawley can continue to prosper.”
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