Worth Park Gardens, in Pound Hill, is a site of national heritage significance. Working with the Friends of Worth Park Gardens, Crawley Borough Council has been successful in securing a HLF (Heritage Lottery Fund) grant of £2.42 million.
Applying to the HLF in these difficult times is a very competitive process. It is a remarkable achievement to secure a grant of this size for a park of just 20 acres. This is testamount to the superb quality of the bid and the national importance of Worth Park Gardens.
These gardens feature work from the renowned 19th century landscape gardener, James Pulham. There are examples of a special rock treatment known as 'Pulhamite', which is also found at Buckingham Palace. Other features include a Camelia Walkway, fountain and croquet lawn.
This is a unique park that we can now restore for all of Crawley.
Sadly the Labour Opposition reaction at the Cabinet meeting of 11th January was just to "call-in" the item to the Full Council of 29th February. This could have risked the funding that so many people have worked hard to secure.
Almost anyone else would have grabbed the chance for new investment in Crawley. Instead we saw a very unfortunate attitude.