I’ve previously written about the launch of the Business and Intellectual Property Centre (BIPC) at Crawley Library, that I was proud to launch a few weeks ago. As part of BIPC Sussex, it is aimed at start-ups, small-to-medium businesses, entrepreneurs and those exploring business ideas. The BIPC network aims to deliver the information and resources needed to help make a business, a charitable organisation, a career transition, or an artistic enterprise, a success by providing free access to a wide range of advice and support.
Conservatives understand how important businesses are to our economy and to livelihoods, so I’m pleased to see further support being provided by the Department for Business and Trade (DBT), who very recently unveiled a new centralised website, targeted at helping the UK’s 5.5 million businesses.
This new ‘Help to Grow’ website from the DBT is aimed at upskilling businesses across the country by helping them to learn new skills, reach more customers and increase profitability. I’ve had a look myself and I found it well-organised, comprehensive, and easy to navigate. It is easy to find online with a search of “Help to grow” bringing the website up as the first option, or alternatively type in https://helptogrow.campaign.gov.uk/
Businesses have told the government that they need easy-to-find information, which is why these centralised pages will make it simpler for firms to find and access the information and support they need in one central space. The website also brings together the wealth of expertise that this newly formed department has to offer.
Our Conservative Government is committed to growing the economy, as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has outlined in his priorities for 2023. This new website will be an additional tool to help firms reach their potential, whether that’s learning new digital skills, learning to export or courses in effective management.
‘Help to Grow’, is targeted at helping firms, especially the UK’s 5.4 million small businesses that drive the economy, including the many we have in Crawley. If you run a small business or have family or friends who do, please let them know about ‘Help to Grow’.
Councillor Duncan Crow, Leader of Crawley Borough Council Conservative Group
15th March 2023